We have many participants that attend the center regularly, playing bridge or pinochle, and some who attend art and aerobic classes. Others come and enjoy coffee and cookies and then stay for lunch.
Your membership fee helps support the Center and allows us to provide these programs and many more. You can enjoy the full benefits of our Center by becoming a member. It only costs $40.00 per year. Membership is on an annual basis.
By paying this membership fee, you are making an investment and commitment to the Stilly Valley Center and your community.
Membership Forms are also available online:
Thank you for your continued support.
Danette Klemens
Executive Director
Volunteering is the Ultimate Exercise in Democracy. You vote in elections once a year, but when you volunteer, you vote every day about the kind of community you want to live in. Our theme this year is “Touching Lives and Lifting Spirits”. If you are interesting in helping at our senior center, please stop by the reception desk and get a volunteer application to fill out. OR download the application & background check and mail or drop it off at the center. All our volunteers are background checked to assure the safety of all our seniors. After completion, you will be contacted to find a volunteer job you will love to do.
Any help is GREATLY appreciated!
Drivers: Drive on day trips and grocery runs. Must have clear driving record. Able to drive a 10-passenger van or 12-passenger bus.
Retired Nurse/Medical Assistant: Able to take blood pressures Friday mornings from 10:00am-12:00pm
Food Truck Drivers: Needed Wednesday 7:45am – 9:30am
Thrift Store: Need help on Saturdays & Donation Handlers Monday & Wednesdays 10a-1pm
Instructors: Looking for experienced instructors to teach a variety of classes such as Rock Painting, Driftwood Carving, Guitar Lessons, Stain Glass & Foreign Language, etc. We would be happy to discuss these possibilities!
Miscellaneous or Occasional Volunteer Opportunities: (shredding, envelope stuffing for mailings, etc.)
Get Involved – Have Fun – Make New Friends
Lisa Hundley
Program Manager
We are now accepting Volunteer Applications. Each Applicant must provide a signed & completed Application form, front and back, as well as pass a Background Check prior to volunteer acception, orientation and placement. Please download and fill out the following forms:
Please submit the volunteer application and background check form by email or mail.
Stilly Valley Center
18308 Smokey Point Blvd.
Arlington, WA 98223
(360) 653-4551