The Stillaguamish Senior Apartments waitlist will be closing effective October 21, 2022. We will no longer be accepting applications past this date. We will notify once we are accepting applications again.
The Stillaguamish apartments are located on the grounds of the Stilly Valley Center. At present there are four buildings which comprise the apartments. The price of each apartment is based on your income, medical costs, and other criteria.
Get your Housing Application in to Haley Hjelmaa as soon as possible, and keep your application updated. Submit any change of address or phone number in writing. If we are unable to contact you when an apartment is available for you, your name will be removed from the waiting list and you will need to re-apply.
Call 360.386.9096 for more information.
These apartments are funded by HUD. They are intended for persons sixty two years of age and older, able to live independently, with or without mobility problems. There are no two bedroom apartments in this building.
This is a HUD funded program for persons able to live independently who are sixty two years of age or older, with or without mobility problems. There are no two bedroom apartments in this building.
These apartments are funded by HUD. They are intended for persons sixty two years of age and older, able to live independently, with or without mobility problems. The Stilly l building is comprised of one and two bedroom apartments.
This is a “Farmers Home Administration” project for persons able to live independently, who are sixty two years of age and older, or anyone eighteen years of age and older who is handicapped or disabled. The Stilly ll building is comprised of one and two bedroom apartments.